:D say you rock }
TaeKwonDo bLuE BeLt ;D
Piano Grade XXXXXXXX :DD


his NOKIA 6233
his CONVERSE blue & CONVERSE gray & BILLABONG brown BAGS! ;D
his QUIKSILVER jacket & QUIKSLIVER shirt & ADIDAS white & CONVERSE brown SHOES! ;D
frequents CAUSEWAY POINT, J8
eats JAPANESE sashimi, KOREAN bbq, CHINESE food, PIZZA, FASTfood (:

04. YOU to LOVE me. (:
05. 70% for MID-YEAR!
07. No SLEEPING in CLASS! (:
12. NEW NOVEL! (:
13. Spent a dAy with the USUAL GANG!! (:
14. MORE $$$$
16. Have MATHS tuition!



1 Devotion '06 :DDD
Brande :PPP
Cheryl :DDD
Chuan Hsin :DDD
Elena :DDD
Eunice :DDD
Filbert :DDD
Hui Ling :DDD
Justin :DD
Jeffrey :DD
Li Hui :DD
Madeline :DDD
Serena :DDD
Shuang Ling :DDD


Audrey :))
Bridget :DDD
Cherie :DDD
Christian :))
Fiona :DDD
Gladys :))
Jaslyn :))
Jia Jun :))
Loretta :))
Madeline :DDD
Noeleen :DDD
Nicholas :DDD
Sherman :))
Sisca :DDD
Sze Hoe :))
Wanqi :))
Xin Yi :DDD
Yi Wei :))
Yu Song :))


Chun Fu :DDD
Clara :))
Clement :))
Daryl :))
Fatin :DDD
Gerald :))
Irvin :DDD
Jason Siah :))
Joel :DDD
Ling Li :))
Michelle :DD
Wai Ping :))
Yin Xiu :))


Brenda :))
Cynthia :))


Gregory :))
Boy's Brigader
Jiahao :))
JiangWei :))
Boy's Brigader
Sean :DDD
Boy's Brigader
Johnson Kow :))


Donovan :))
Geraldine :))
Sijia :))

June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

coding by %noisybaboon
imagehost: photobucket
Monday, July 31, 2006

haiz..``sad thing..2dae mrs wong tell us dat ms **** is leaving dis sch liao..haiz..though i noe her for 6mths onli..bt she is still very gd towards us..haiz..sad she leaving..tell ya hu she is on fridae..she leaving on fridae..mus giv her sumthing ..ya..ok..gtg nw..bb..haiz..*hallow33n*

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Sunday, July 30, 2006

hihi``long time no blog man..or is three days long?? lols..

anyways..im gona publicise phs gymnast coach nw..kelvin wil like reading dis post :)

u noe hor..on friday when we hav choir de rehearsal for nex fridae performance..n we play the piano at the hall..play until very happy leh!! we hardly gt chance to play piano so freely..:) then the gymnast coach cum n disturb :(..he cum tell us dat stop playing piano cos its 'hen fan'..ok? HEN FAN?????? melodic music he say very noisy..he say will disturb the gymnast ppl cos he wana teach..he stand there do nothing n say wana TEACH??? haiz...n first time we stop lo..bo bian...haiz..then we playful dun care then play again..cnt resist temptation of the piano ehs?? hahahs..then he cum scold kelvin!!! he say ..'i tok u are mannered ppl..cos u wear glasses..haiz..'..!!! then he pull kelvin shirt n push him out of the hall!! n pul us up, then push the piano chair away..say dat go office complain lah...all the nonsense..hahahs..a uncouth person is like dat wan lah..MIND him lo..lols..

n 3rd time kelvin onli accidentally slam the piano den he cum n pull his badge away!! omg..almost all the choir ppl noe liao..include ms chung n mrs wong..hahahs.. nvm..we are gona setle it tmr..durin practise..hhahs..

n i hereby proclaim the gymnast teacher name is...


end of my story..

gd luck to *piggY* gorgor CT!!!

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Monday, July 24, 2006

siann lah..IT day though can slack bt still bored lor stay at home..wana go sch c mii miche..hahhas..he sucks..s lailai beta..hahhs..sori no 0ffence..i jus dun wan the name to be so obvious..``

damn simon ..mus do theory again..nvm jus dun do..say cannot go in..hahs..until now im still blogging..dis shows how much work ive done liao..0/100%..``

yeshh..change song to daniel powter- bad day le..so nice..wanted to put cyndi de new song..bt duno y cannot lehs..nvm..the song will onli scare ppl away..love is easy``very easy``a,a,a..jus finish my bottle of cane barley drink for my fever..sick attack..

pray hard dat prabean nvr realise her class diary is lost cos its sumwhere..```in my house``in my bag``WITH ME!!~ BE PREPARED``` 'alwyn!! WHERE IS THE CLASS DIARY!! DUN BE IDIOT WITH ME ARH!! DUN PISSS ME OFF ON A WEDNESDAY 7.45AM MORNING!!"...HAHAS..lols..she always like dat..PRABEAN POWER~~

haiz..blogg till here lah..recently too lazy to blog liao..my dad watching very closely..n threathen to take out my MSN~~ haiz..nvm..he take out then i put in again..ehhs..loretta on9 liaoz..hahas..dun intend to chat with her..lols..``

kks..gotta now..bt nt to do MLG..bt to slack more . sms . drink. eat. KAH LIANG on9 liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg..~~~>~>~>~>>>im so gona chat with him~~~ kkz..damn busy now with KAH LIANG!!! HAHAHS..LOLS..


now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

aiyo..by the time im writing dis entry..hais..i havent done the stamp things yet lor..lols.. my foolproof plan -
tmr- get mrs choy to go buy the exhibition sheet and paper...
2) finish it tmr or die trying...
3) giv mrs choy on thrusday..
4) say bye bye to it and claim back my rightful $$$$

sad leh..i keep waste time do nothing ..haiz..elena , cheryl and li hui all do nothing..cos dae sae i sabbo dem..wtf lor..i sabo dem?? nvm..dun wana quarrel bout dis anymore..

tmr gt rehearsal for the racial harmony thing..haiz..siannz..mus sing again..n our voice dun blend..:(( n mus sing malay i think..mus oso wear the malay costume lor..go wear borrow lo..lols...

n tmr can skip ncc cos im gona telll which sucky person hu approach me 'no lah! i gt the racial harmony day de rehearsal so nv go :++' hahahs...gd foolproof plan sia..``

next thing to do tmr ::: show off my new pic..to...elena..ya..make her puke n make her blood boil!~~ boil----____hhahshs...

kkz..gtg nw..i tok of makin a long entry bt seems like ...im dieing soon..haiz..kkz..wana sleep nw lioa lo..one last bedtime story for you all?? kkz.. n03l33n likes LJJ...!!! or..rather..she likes............

CJJ!!! alarm-9 member of uvphs ch0iR!!! hahhas..

sori n03l33n i ..```

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

lols 2dae *** wiff mic..hais..hahahs..nothing more to blog lah..oh ya..prabean zui jin mood not so gd..cos she monday scream at us durin p.w. lessons ' dun piss me off on a monday morning!!'..siannz..
n 2dae go take neoprint wiff noeleen, kelvin n dextre..take d big wan..dextre pay sia..hahahs..n i luv both pics lo..beta than elena n laurel wan..lols..now mus finish d stamp thing 2dae!! n tmr gt racial harmony thingy which sucks cos we havent finish doin the lyrics!!! hais..n gt ang moh lessons wiff alex n dan liao..tmr quite slack la..

oh ya..still got d janice zhang lesson 2dae..i brin d volcano den she sae it deserve a 30/100/..she jus bein
kao pei lah
..wah lao eh..how can like dat one..i spent 10mins doin it lor..llols.hhahs..

yeahhs..tmr gt chapel can c d

''shuai' ge..siannz..he veri wad wan lah..keep laughing at us..duno laugh at me or at ren yao lah..shud be ren yao..she so e xin mah..hahas..hais..gtg nw lah n do d stamp thing..may god bless dat 2dae wil be successful n i can finish d stamp thing..```

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Saturday, July 15, 2006

omg!! omg!! i cnt believe wat i saw!! ive got 1 OP wallet, bilabong wallet, OP file, converse bag as mii bdae presents fr 6 kind souls!!!hahhsh....now im puttting pics on the party..dots, shud be my presents pics lah..n the wan wiff fiona jiejie de law on it..n kelvin lovely dearest alwyn..hahahs..dextre gave me a wonderful present..i really love it , dextre!! haahhs..thks a million..!!i like yr gift...hahas..hapi 5 daes earlier bdae to alwyn!! to me!!...o ya..still gt my new bag which i bought for $$40..hahs.nice lehs..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

ok..wen im writin dis entry im pissin..ok? my parents are counting d red packet money relatives give me n dae r keepin themselves? kkz?? im pissed..bt i wun let dis get to me..hahhas..i still gt MANI presents fr my beloved frens!! hahahs..im soo hapi 2dae..u noe y? cos 8 ppl cum my hse!! zhan qing, cheryl, elena, laurel, fiona, daniel, kelvin, noeleen and dextre!! hahahs..im soo hapi n surprised dat dae all cum lehs..im glad dat laurel n me okok liao so 2dae i can bee so hapi..hahs..n i gt a LOT of present..:)..we all enjoyed ourselves 2dae lo..play d piano at my parents room..dae all enjoy..den laurel n elena watch 'the one 'concert..hahahs..we cum up wif d 'l.a.u.n.a.' cheer!! l....a....u....n....a....launa, LAUNA!!.hahha.s..sori nt purpose wan..kkz..sori..haahs..yessh..nw my dad gimme $200 to spent liao..hahhs..i wana go buy cd , shoes, bag n books!!!!! yeshh..razzmatazz money can pay liao :((..sigh**...hahhas...
ok..now i rili wana thks evry1 hu make 2dae my happiest day in my life..i mean it- the happiest day in my life!! thks a million!! oh ya..still gt lennon..1st time he so gd to me n sms me to wish me..hahahs..thks lennon!! e-he-e-he..hahhs..thks..rili..i nearly cry wen the flames three cheers for me..im soooo touched..!!hhhas..choir rili roks my life n cos of choir ..FLAME is born!! hahas..thks..rili..n 4 fiona, dextre n laurel..best wishes for yr cumin prelims n exams!!hahahs..F.L.A.M.E.N.H.W.K...RAWKS!!! hapi 6 daes earlier bdae to alwyn!! hapi bdae to mee!!..ahhas..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Thursday, July 13, 2006

hello:) dis is my new skin..haiz..change skin so ma fan wan lo..2dae me n laurel he hao liao..hahhs..he so gracious accept me bak..dun wna comment more bout dis..``n i decided leave him liao..hahahs...

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

its been quite sum time since i last blog..dere r a few things i did lo..1) gt a new watch..fossil brand...so nice. 2) taken a chinese test 2dae..haiz..quite gd lah..my watch damn nice lo..veri special..if u wana c den cum look for me ..hahs..aiya..oso nothing more to sae lah..:?? oh ya.i decided to leave jon..coz i simply cnt take it tt its yi xiang qin yuan..hai..n dat stupid gh always interfere between us..n jia hui 2dae cum ask me 4 apron leh..pity cnt get for him..i wanted to buy for him bt dun have liao..den no1 have..den he sae prabean scold him n giv him 2 big zeros..haiz..sori hor jia hui..tan jia hui-my ex ou xiang hu is nw a monk..!! hahahs..nothing more liao lahs..bb

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Friday, July 07, 2006

ive tried ok?? bt hardly any1 notices..its embarrassing bein near d lfc bt ive tried..bt d kao pei elena keep laurel here laurel dere..she is totally won over by laurel..laurel veri gd..im washin my hands off all dis laurel things..ya..tts a tough decision..yesterdae nanhu choir was fabulus.wow..i really ENJOYED the performance...hahhas..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Thursday, July 06, 2006

ok..i juz gt 1 thing to sae 2dae n its :laurel ...{2dae..i heard tt he tell jl to pump me..150 times..its juz incredible n ridiculous..suddenly i hate laurel so much...ya..im rili sori 4 hating him n noe igts nt correct..pump me?? ok..PUMP JIU PUMP!..i dun care much..if jl is gona cum n pump me..den im gona run away fr ncc n juz wait till trouble cum knocking on my doors..is dis d cruelty of ncc?? of life?? y cnt i juz enjoy interesting choir practises n juz dun worry bout all dis things>> i noe hl wil sae' responsibility' n dose things..im sick n tired of hearing d same thing n cing d tinge of loyalty in her..haiz..sori hl ...bt its tt he rili tai guo fen liao..i juz cnt understand ok..haiz..n i heard jl is gona pump me alreadi even b4 laurel tell him..4 wat>> skipping morning fall-ins i still can handle..kakaying miss?? stil can handle..if nt wat? i juz cnt think of anything else 4 him to pump me lo..lols..dis is all a dream i muz tell myself..ya.n nw i cnt stop thinking of dis...lucky tmr no ncc..if nt my doomsdae wil cum tmr..im gladful 4 tt,..lord i thnk u in jesus moz blessened name..amen>..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

2dae i take train wiff jon again..hahahs...yeshh..bt nv tok much...coz of d ka XXXX..nvm..4get it..den go eat kfc n go bak home..den saw 6 yrs old sean swimming den i go plae wiff him for long tym n he rili improve on his swim liao lo..i oso gt darren thny no...lols..prabean call me idiot again..i wna sue her!@!! child abuse..lols..d holy maiden wiff d sacred hair!! prabean!! d destroyer of evil!!!..hahahs...LOLS!!...n tmr gt d higher chinese thingy..mus stay bak..hope i can do guang bo..oh ya..4gt to sae..2dae gt d speech comm course start..lols dae gt 2 freaking ang mohs cum n teach..lols lo i hardly understand den d filbert go act like his england so gd..in d end d ang mohs praise me1!! hahasii...den laurel n me can sae finish liao lah..no hope liao..its all ridiculous lo..dun wna tok about it liao..haiz..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

wahhahhahh..2dae is a fun dae! coz of prabean..she always brin me laughter n joy..!!hhhahahs..2dae when i go out of sch n c her on d road..i go ask her 4 d youth dae donation thingy n u noe wat she sae?? she sae 'stupid idiot y u nv cum ask me 4 it last week???!!'..stupid idiot u noe?? omg..she actually sae tt leh..really..hahhs..wadeva tmr she morning cumin 2 gimme d thingy..hu cares..hahahs..den d kao pei simon let us off late!! 5mins leh!! den jon left liao..i ask him 2 take train liao lo..den i late!!!...omg...den jon left n its sadly eva fter 4 me..sighhs...nvm..den i saw simon aft sch in canteen n he drink n eat so i sae 'hihi mr simon!!u cnt eat here u noe??its outside d canteen!!u mus set gd eg> for us!!' den he sae nvm nvm craps lah..hahhs..n laurel ish damn angry at me 2dae coz of 2 words lo..den he pumped me..like i pump lo..lols..anywaes im veri veri sori 4 wat i said n i promise 4 d rest of d dae i wun sae it liaoo..hahhs..nw muz go do d stamp thingy lo..still gt 27/32 pgs..!!>!>!>>!.omg!!! nvm...take mii tym..
P.S. the pics of prabean r veri nice..plz take tym to admire dem!!!hhahsh..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Monday, July 03, 2006

diedie le lah..my piano nv practise n i oso nt sure hw to play d songs..im 'so goin to die tmr'..!! nvm..go early n reky..hahhas..tmr takin train wiff jon lo..he sae can wan..dun jealous me..!! hahhs..jkjk..ookin forward to tmr..when i nv brin geog homework n when fatso zhang cum n scold..hhahahs..!!she so kaopei wan lahhs..nvm wan..oh ya..still gt my eng portfolio..late giv 4 1 mth le lah..nvm..nw go do..bb

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Sunday, July 02, 2006

halo//nothing much happen 2dae lah..had lunch at home..we went to temple in evening ...go my dad office download emails..go mercedez showroom c d new r series..nearly wna buy..250k..hahahs..den spent 1hr drivin around lookin for food..holland rd..tiong bahru..seah st..den ended in zion fd court..haiz..im veri lookin forward 2 tmr coz mayb jon cumin miie hse..!! hahahs..though i dun think he wil cum bt dere is d excitement n d anticipation of him cumin..hahs..

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side

Saturday, July 01, 2006

hihi...2dae is syf 2006 at national stadium n its so fun n nice man..we go dere c bands fr other countries perform bt duno y choir all nv high leh..down dere buy pepsi 1 can $$2 leh..so expensive dae earn loads lo...den d nick go tell johnny dun cum my hse ..johnny sae ok..haiz..shattered glass evrywher liao...nvm lo..he nv reply my msg..den when we leave hor we sing n cheer al d wae out den al d sch ppl c us..wah..so wei feng..den val sae sum1 complain us den we nv listen n continue n val angry :XX..haiz..sad case..bt we so high outside duno y nv high inside..hahhaz..n sat 2dae end so fast n ive onli done one thing..hahaz..syF 2006 really roks!!!im so hapi 2dae...yesterdae oso..wwana noe y go c yesterdae entry lo..''hahas...nw i gtg lo...miss him always although 1 dae onli..hahahs..bb gdnite :))

now im here, still standing here
i wish i could have you by my side